October 1 - 3 | Moscow
The VIII edition of BRICS International School will be held on 1-3 October 2024 in Moscow, Russian Federation as a part of the official calendar of the Russian BRICS Chairship.

The BRICS International School is a short-term, customized scientific and educational programme aimed at training young experts specializing in BRICS-related studies in political, economic, and humanitarian fields, and other relevant areas of interaction and cooperation among the BRICS member states.
Moscow, Russia

  • The programme has been held on an annual basis since its inception in 2017, with advisory support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, for the purpose of expanding the pool of young experts who specialize in BRICS-related studies, or BRICSologists. The ultimate goal is to cultivate a new generation of experts, a professional community of young BRICSologists with a deep understanding of the BRICS countries, while further expanding and encouraging youth collaboration across BRICS.

    In 2024, the programme will be carried out also with the support of the Alexander Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund, and the MGIMO University, as part of the Russian government's Priority 2030 university support programme.

The main objectives are:
  • Enhancement of the intellectual potential of young professionals and their acquisition of new professional skills

  • Encourage development of public diplomacy

  • Establishment of a multicultural transparent dialogue

  • Support the best future-oriented projects and studies from BRICS young leaders

  • Develop a professional community of young experts-BRICSologists
The BRICS International School represents a major initiative within the current context of today's changing geopolitical landscape and emerging challenges, including those stemming from the inclusion and integration of new BRICS member states. In an era of expanding globalization and interdependence among nations, strategic cooperation between the member states of the BRICS group is becoming a key factor for meeting contemporary challenges and resolving today's pressing issues.
Experts from the BRICS countries with significant experience in the fields of education, science, and technology will exchange knowledge and resources within the framework of the programme, thus facilitating improvements in the quality of education, scientific research, and innovation-driven development.
The programme holds great significance and promise for strengthening international stability, and is highly relevant in the context of training personnel who are skilled in effectively meeting contemporary demands and requirements in education and science, particularly those related to digitalization and sustainable development. In an age where we are witnessing the formation of a new world order, it is particularly relevant to prioritize efforts aimed at shaping a future generation of leaders and specialists, professionals who stand ready to meet global challenges and seize opportunities.
The programme features practical training aimed at improving participants' personal qualities and enhancing their professional skills. Participants have the unique opportunity to attend a specially designed course of lectures by mentors drawn from among leading Russian and international experts and practitioners specializing in BRICS-related research, seasoned BRICSologists with deep expertise. They will take part in master classes, business games, debates, and discussions to expand their professional knowledge, perspectives, and horizons while sharpening their communication skills among their BRICS peers.
Participants will take a deep dive into the varied details of BRICS cooperation, studying how the member states stand in the global arena as well as their critical role in shaping the new international order amid intensifying global instability. Finally, they will seek to gain a fuller understanding of the potential for institutionalization of BRICS, as well as the group's overall goals and priorities for the future.
The educational component of the BRICS International School will consist of an extensive, specially designed training programme structured into thematic modules and delivered in collaboration with partner organizations from among top Russian think-tanks based in Moscow. Participants will be fully engaged by the highly intensive pace of the educational component, guaranteeing them a dynamic, comprehensive, diverse, and information-rich experience.
Mentors from among leading BRICSologists will deliver content-rich lectures that not only give insight into the core principles underlying cooperation among the BRICS countries at the macro level, but will also focus on the more practical micro level by providing invaluable information on key international events, relevant educational programmes, grant competitions, and projects that are available for and accessible to young people from the BRICS countries.
The programme offers a safe and tolerant environment in which participants can demonstrate their capabilities and put their individual talents to work toward fostering a genuine dialogue to enhance trust and cross-cultural understanding among representatives of diverse countries, cultures, and religions. The programme is intended to bring young people from across the BRICS nations together to jointly take on the task of implementing the most promising future-oriented projects and initiatives aimed at developing and expanding cooperation within the BRICS framework, especially throughout this year during Russian BRICS Chairship.
The BRICS International School is open to young people aged 18 to 35 from among university and doctoral students; scientists and researchers; diplomats and government officials; foreign affairs journalists; entrepreneurs; and representatives of non-governmental organizations and private associations from the BRICS countries, as well as from other countries of interest to each of the BRICS members as part of the group's "outreach" efforts.
The BRICS International School graduates will go on to form the core element in a network of cross-BRICS partnerships. Upon completion of the programme, graduates will become BRICS ambassadors, sharing their initiatives and successes in making them a reality, and jointly participating in bringing new forward-thinking projects and concepts to life. The programme will help to promote and popularize the BRICS in the international arena.
  • Since the inception of the BRICS International School in 2017, the success of the project has fostered the creation of an informal community of young professionals from across the BRICS countries. With each passing year, the number of BRICS International School alumni grows and, thanks to them, the informal community itself expands.


BRICS International School
starts in